Handling Asset Files

Asset files may be managed via API using the following example calls. Note that you will have to replace http://your-snipe-it with your Snipe-IT url, and the xxxxxxxxxxxx with your actual bearer token.


Using a self-signed certificate

If you're using a self-signed SSL certificate, you may need to pass the --insecureflag on these calls.

Upload a file

curl --request POST --url http://your-snipe-it/api/v1/hardware/1/files --header "Authorization: Bearer xxxxxxxxxx" -F "file[]=@test.txt" --verbose

List Files

curl --request GET --url http://your-snipe-it/api/v1/hardware/1/files --header "Authorization: Bearer xxxxxxxxxx" --header 'accept: application/json' --verbose

Retrieve a File

curl --request GET --url http://your-snipe-it/api/v1/hardware/1/file/1 --header "Authorization: Bearer xxxxxxxxxx" --output downloadedfile --verbose

Delete a File

curl --request DELETE --url http://your-snipe-it/api/v1/hardware/1/file/1 --header "Authorization: Bearer xxxxxxxxxx" --header 'accept: application/json' --verbose