
Get details on the current user accessing the API

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This API call will look up the user who is currently authenticated via API Bearer token.

{ "id":2 "avatar":"//gravatar.com/avatar/ea5075ac915b019f86eb19756665f20a" "name":"Snipe E. Head" "first_name":"Snipe E." "last_name":"Head" "username":"snipe" "locale":"se_FI" "employee_num":"14130" "manager":NULL "jobtitle":"Power Plant Operator" "phone":"(535) 974-1823" "website":NULL "address":"9340 Holden Greens Suite 552 East Rozellatown, GA 71050-9116" "city":"Creminport" "state":"WA" "country":"Germany" "zip":"84977-6084" "email":"snipe@snipe.net" "department":{ "id":4 "name":"Client Services" } "location":{ "id":2 "name":"Lake Lelaland" } "notes":"Created by DB seeder" "permissions":{ "superuser":"1" } "activated":true "ldap_import":false "two_factor_activated":false "two_factor_enrolled":false "assets_count":0 "licenses_count":0 "accessories_count":0 "consumables_count":0 "company":{ "id":3 "name":"Crona-Heller" } "created_at":{ "datetime":"2021-06-29 21:00:03" "formatted":"Tue Jun 29, 2021 9:00PM" } "updated_at":{ "datetime":"2021-06-29 21:00:03" "formatted":"Tue Jun 29, 2021 9:00PM" } "last_login":NULL "deleted_at":NULL "available_actions":{ "update":true "delete":true "clone":true "restore":false } "groups":NULL }

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