Snipe-IT uses PHPUnit as automated testing frameworks. We adhere to the Laravel way of doing things, which means our tests are broken down as described below. All tests are located in the tests
directory of your local Snipe-IT installation.
If your tests break the CI build, or if you do not provide any tests with a new feature, your PR will not be accepted. Make sure you run the full test suite locally before submitting your PR to ensure your changes did not break existing functionality.
Running Tests
We use PHPUnit for testing. To run the full suite of tests:
php artisan test
To run just a particular test, use the filter option:
php artisan test --filter=GroupStoreTest
Unit Tests
These are located in tests/Unit
and are usually small tests that check the results of model methods. We typically do NOT check built-in Laravel validation or Eloquent relationships, and where possible, we avoid using factories or interacting with the database. (It's fine if your unit tests do need to interact with the database, it just slows things down a bit.)
Run these using phpunit
or ./vendor/phpunit/bin
from the command line in your local Snipe-IT project folder.
Feature Tests
These are located in tests/Feature
and handle less-complex "real world" application testing, and API testing. Basically anything where we need to test for an HTTP response, but we don't need to actually run a headless browser that emulates an actual human being clicking around. (In some schools of testing thought, these might be called integration or functional tests.)
Run these using phpunit
or ./vendor/phpunit/bin
from the command line in your local Snipe-IT project folder.
Writing Unit Tests
You can reference the ExampleTest.php
in the tests/Unit
directory for an example of how tests in general should look.
namespace Tests\Unit;
use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
class ExampleTest extends TestCase
* A basic test example.
* @return void
public function testBasicTest()
To generate a new Unit test, use:
php artisan make:test MyModelTest --unit
which will generate the scaffolding for your new Unit test in the tests
Please update the generated PHP docblock in your tests from:
* A basic test example.
* @return void
* @test
Using Factories
We lean on factories to generate realistic-looking data for testing. You can find those in database/factories
, and they can be invoked in a Unit test.
The default scaffolding won't work out of the box if you're using factories to generate data within your Unit tests
If you wish to use factories in your Unit tests, you MUST change the use
statement at the top of your test from:
use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
use Tests\TestCase;
in order to access factories within a Unit test.
If you don't make this change, you will likely see an error that looks like this:
InvalidArgumentException: Unable to locate factory with name [default] [App\Models\MyModel].
To run phpinsights for checking code quality, run:
Updated 7 months ago