User Permissions

Snipe-IT uses Policies to determine whether a user should be able to view, edit, delete, etc a resource.

The policies are location in app/Policies, and extend from app/Policies/SnipePermissionsPolicy.php, which does the more complex work of determining whether or not a user should be able to perform a specific action.

To utilize these policies in a controller method, you would use something like:

public function audit() {

    $this->authorize('audit', Asset::class);
    // Do authorized stuff here


If the authorization fails, it will return a forbidden error.

When editing blades, you can use the @can and @cannot short syntax.

For example, to determine whether or not to display the option to a logged in user, you would write:

@can('view', \App\Models\Asset::class)
	<a href="{{ route('assets.index') }}">

Creating New Permissions

If you're creating a new model or permission set, there are a few steps you have to take before all of these pieces work together.

SnipePermissionsPolicy provides methods for handling the granular permissions used throughout Snipe-IT.

Each "area" of a permission (which is usually a model, like Assets, Departments, etc), has a setting in config/permissions.php like view/create/edit/delete (and sometimes some extra stuff like checkout/checkin, etc.)

A Policy should exist for each of these models, however if they only use the standard view/create/edit/delete , the policy can be pretty simple, for example with just one method setting the column name. Let's say we're creating a new permission mask for a new model named Florb.

We'll need to create a new Policy in app/Policies, named FlorbPolicy:


namespace App\Policies;

use App\Policies\SnipePermissionsPolicy;

class FlorbPolicy extends SnipePermissionsPolicy
    protected function columnName()
        return 'florbs';

We'll also need to tell the AuthServiceProvider to take that new policy into consideration. In app/Providers/AuthServiceProvider.php, we'll need to make sure we add use App\Models\Florb and App\Policies\FlorbPolicy - and then add the new policy into the protected $policies array:


namespace App\Providers;

use App\Models\Florb;
use App\Policies\FlorbPolicy;

     * The policy mappings for the application.
     * See SnipePermissionsPolicy for additional information.
     * @var array
    protected $policies = [
        Florb::class => FlorbPolicy::class,


Permissions Considerations

While handling permissions is usually pretty straightforward, there are some areas where it can get a little complicated, not from a programming perspective, but from a logic perspective. For example, if a user can checkout assets, they inherently have to be able to view a list of users, locations and other assets, so that they can select them in the checkout interface.

Be sure to think though the implications of any permission policies you implement.